Nusja thyen këmbën pak para dasmës por nuk ndalon realizimin e saj (Foto)

Njerëzit kalojnë vite duke imagjinuar ditën e dasmës. Por fatkeqësia më e madhe i ndodhi një nuse e cila theu këmbën e saj disa javë më parë.

Kim Kutchinson, 38 vjeçare nga Hereford theu këmbën e saj nga një person tjetër.

Kim ishte në ballkonin e vallëzimit kur një i huaj e ngacmoi duke iu hedhur në shpinë dhe duke e goditur në dysheme.

Kim theu kyçin e këmbës dhe iu desh të qëndronte në Spitalin e Liverpool-it, pesë javë para se të martohej me partnerin e saj, Iain Hutchison, 34 vjeç.

“Miqtë e mi nxituan të pyesnin nëse isha mirë, ata thanë se fytyra ime shkoi në ngjyrë të gjelbër dhe nxituan të më dërgonin me një taksi në spitalin më të afërt”, ka thënë ajo , transmeton Indeksonline.

Por edhe pse me këmbë të thyer ajo realizoi dasmën e saj në mënyrën më të mirë të mundshme.

**MANDATORY BYLINE** PIC FROM Clara Lou Photography / Caters News – (PICTURED: Pictures from Kim Hutchinsons (38, from Hereford) and Iain Hutchisons (34) wedding day on March 10th 2018) – A bride was left hobbling down the aisle to meet her fiance after she broke herankleon her hen do just five weeks before her big day. Kim Hutchinson, 38, from Hereford, was dancing the night away on her hen do in Liverpool when an over-excited stranger jumped on her back and knocked her to the floor.The fall, recorded by Kims friend, caused herankleto snap and she was told she would need to wear a cast for six weeks at the Royal Liverpool hospital, just five weeks before she was due to marry partner, Iain Hutchison, 34.SEE CATERS COPY
**MANDATORY BYLINE** PIC FROM Clara Lou Photography / Caters News – (PICTURED: Pictures from Kim Hutchinsons (38, from Hereford) and Iain Hutchisons (34) wedding day on March 10th 2018) – A bride was left hobbling down the aisle to meet her fiance after she broke herankleon her hen do just five weeks before her big day. Kim Hutchinson, 38, from Hereford, was dancing the night away on her hen do in Liverpool when an over-excited stranger jumped on her back and knocked her to the floor.The fall, recorded by Kims friend, caused herankleto snap and she was told she would need to wear a cast for six weeks at the Royal Liverpool hospital, just five weeks before she was due to marry partner, Iain Hutchison, 34.SEE CATERS COPY
**MANDATORY BYLINE** PIC FROM Clara Lou Photography / Caters News – (PICTURED: Pictures from Kim Hutchinsons (38, from Hereford) and Iain Hutchisons (34) wedding day on March 10th 2018) – A bride was left hobbling down the aisle to meet her fiance after she broke herankleon her hen do just five weeks before her big day. Kim Hutchinson, 38, from Hereford, was dancing the night away on her hen do in Liverpool when an over-excited stranger jumped on her back and knocked her to the floor.The fall, recorded by Kims friend, caused herankleto snap and she was told she would need to wear a cast for six weeks at the Royal Liverpool hospital, just five weeks before she was due to marry partner, Iain Hutchison, 34.SEE CATERS COPY

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